Amiga units for fpc. There should not be any problems to use this units in Amiga or in linux. For the ms-dos cross-compiler you have to do some changes. First you have to rename the units to 8.3 e.g intuition.pas to intuitio.pas No need to change in the units the compiler will find the units anyway. There are a few you will have problems with, expansion.pas and expansionbase.pas. What you can do is to rename them to expan.pas and expanbas.pas. If a unit uses the old name the compiler will complain so just fix that unit when the problems pops up. The same problem with configregs.pas and configvars.pas, perhaps do cfgvars.pas and cfgregs.pas If you find any bugs or errors in the units please inform me. Address bellow. If you want do translate other libraries to fpc use Fd2Pragma, it's on Aminet. Read the docs for Fd2Pragma on how to make units for fpc. Fd2Pragma translates almost everything correct for fpc. There is one thing you have to do to the new unit, make a search/replace for Cardinal/ULONG. Fpc for Amiga don't handle Cardinals in this version (later), so we have to use ULONG instead. ULONG is typedefed as Longint (in Exec) in a new version of fpc we just have to typedef ULONG as Cardinal. What's left is for you to translate structs and defines.:) There are also two rexx scripts that can be handy, getrecord.rexx and make.rexx. You can use getrecord.rexx to check that you have translated the structs correct. Read more in the scripts headers. Other than that just have fun!